Chefchaouen - map

The bus from Tetouan was two hours and drove me south through the Rif Mountains through some spectacular scenery to the small mountain city of Chefchaoen. The location of the bus stop wasn’t on my tourist map, so I just set off in the direction of the center of the city. I didn’t know it, but this was a serious hike up some steep streets and probably about two miles in distance. My map only covered the medina, and it took me quite a while to find any landmark that was on my map. Once passing through the medina wall and finding myself in a crowded marketplace, I finally discovered one of the hotels which were on my map. I got a single room with a shared bath for only 60 DH ($8 USD).

Views from the upper medina

I walked to the main square of the medina and found a nice outdoor restaurant. I started to get my orientation of how the small city was laid out. Chefchaoen is famous for its white-washed walls with blue trim. The next day I set out from the main square and reached the highest point of the medina. From there, there were great views of the city below.

Steep streets in the medina

It was a six hour bus ride to from Chefchaouen to the largest city in Morocco -- Casablanca.

Introduction / Arrival