In planning my general route for this trip, I thought it might be nice to end it with a “Beach” flavor. That way, I could enjoy the most relaxation right before heading back to the states and back to my job.

Because of my quick exit of Guatemala due to getting sick, my schedule allowed much more time off the coast then I had originally expected. In checking the calendar, I had over a week to kill.

When the bus from Guatemala dropped me off in the center of Belize City, I knew exactly where to go for my boat ticket to the islands. It was only about a 10 minute walk away – right on the bay.

Two of the most popular island destinations from Belize City are Ambergris Caye and Caye Caulker. Note that the local pronunciation of “Caye” is “Key”, as in the United State’s“Key West”. 

I decided to try Caye Caulker first. Boat ticket was $20 US and there was no waiting – buy a ticket and the boat was ready to leave in a few minutes. The boat trip from Belize City was about 45 minutes.

caye caulker

Caye Caulker - the ocean to the east has a continuous barrier reef. Notice where a previous hurricane tore the island in half

Caye Caulker is generally known as a laid-back backpacker destination. The island has a very small town with less than a thousand people and no paved roads. The roads were made of sand, which gave you the impression that they were an extension of the beach itself. I don't remember any cars on the island, but quite a few people getting around on bicvcles and golf carts. Interestingly, they had a part of town they referred to "Chinatown" where some Chinese shops and restaurants were located.

On arrival at the Caye Caulker dock, I walked a short distance and found a room at the Miramar Hotel for $20 per night, with a shared bathroom. It had a nice location right on the beach.

The Miramar Hotel on the right, in blue-green color

downtown view

View of main street on Caye Caulker

street scene

More views of the main street

The next day I bought a snorkeling tour which went out to the edge of the barrier reef. The area was known as "Shark Ray Alley" and my group snorkelled with over a dozen sting rays swimming around us. Unfortunately I didn't get any pictures.

Ambergris Caye is another island further north and contains about 20,000 residents in the city of San Pedro. Its still quite small and the city is only three (paved) streets wide in most parts. When I arrived I found a hotel room at "Ruby's", which was on the south part of the business district right on the beach.

Street scene from one of the three streets in San Pedro

Beach view from on top of Ruby's Hotel

Beach-side view of Ruby's Hotel

Looking off-shore, you can always see the barrier reef in the distance

I went to the dive shop that was next to my hotel and bought a half-day snorkelling tour of the Hol Chan Marine reserve.  This was a great location. One of the highlights was when our guide caught a five-foot nurse shark with his hands and held onto it so everyone could feel its tough leathery skin.

Well, that was my trip. I spent one more night back at Belize City before flying back to Seattle. In less than a week later, we were hit by an unusual 12 inch snowfall and cold weather. I could only remember back to the nice weather I had during my Central American vacation.

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